
Sunday, April 27, 2008

top things..

here are a few of the most annoying things that you deal with daily..
cold toilet seat
going to the loo at like 3 am and not being able to go back to sleep.
bring in the groceries from the car to the house.
transfering laundry from wahser to dryer.
washing dishes.
people that call you and don't leave a voicemail.
getting out of the shower in the morning to a cold bathroom
paying bills..
well i'd love for people to comment with a few of their top annoying things to! ciao


Homeschoolin' hot-rodders said...

Oh good list! here are a couple of mine-

1. Fingernail filing in worship/bible study..is there NO other time to do that????

2. Wet towels/clothes not making it to the hamper...that includes the clothes that ALMOST make it to the hamper i.e. thrown on the floor next to the hamper...

I will have to think of more later....but I would like to read what others have to say too!

Aunt Angela

melissa said...

yeah those are pretty annoying. heres a couple more: someone leaving you 2 squares on the toilet roll.
the last little bit in a juice or milk carton that doesn't even constitute as a full swallow. haha
wet hair hitting your back brr!

Anonymous said...

1. Injustices
2. Sunday afternoon drivers-it's the pedal on the right, push it DOWN!

I know there are other things that annoy me but i'm too annoyed to think of them at the moment. LOL!