
Saturday, January 5, 2008

glad oh warning work talk.

well i'm so glad that the workweek is over even though it was only 3 days long haha! but we are all used to being back to work now and stuff so monday we'll be refreshed. i'm getting a lot faster and more confident in doing the cables. wednesday was rather rough i think just because it was the first day back and production has been really high since dayshift hasn't made production at all so far, and it's not fair see we have to stay until we get all our production done but dayshift doesnt they leave in 8 hours wether they are done or not! plus they leave us with half empty tubs of parts and we've had 50 + bad parts that they made. so we have been having to shut down to get it all sorted and stuff, but anyways wednesday was rough teusday was better. and tonight went good granted we kept haveing issues with day shift parts but we still got out in less then 10 hours. i was flying on them cables to no joke either. i just said to myself that i need to breath and only focus on my job, see i would get frustrated cus i'd look up and see a huge stack of parts waiting on me and everyone on the line would be stopped and staring at me. well that didn't happen at all tonight! woo!!! for our first part i kept up to speed and same with the second one now the third one which theres only 3 different parts that get cables outta the 8 that we do well it totals about 5 or 6 hundred, anyways i was going as fast as i could on the last ones but the others were just faster they of course don't have as many things to do on the parts that i do. well gennerally we get out between 160 and 190 parts an hour, well in 45 mins i had 185 parts done! so proud of myself and i only had 2 bad ones which is really good. and they were still usable they just took the cables off so i could redo it. sometimes the part won't sit right on the machine and if it's off the slightest bit it gets it to tight and that makes it a bad part. but i'm not trying to brag i was just so excited that i was able to do that. see what stinks is that the chick that switches off with me will be off for at least 3 months maternity leave and i'll have to do her job every day.... i wonder who they'll get to come over and help us. see i know almost all her jobs except one but i just switch with louis and it works out. supposedly they are going to make everyone learn how to do cables but i think everyone does except louis. they just aren't fast enough to do it but i'm being forced to get fast enough but i think they need to do that with the others. we were getting a ton of customer calls about this one e ring or something that was missing on parts and which that is louis and christian who takes care of that but anyways tony our advisor said that alicia our team leader needs to start checking them and marking them before putting them on the shelf which she should've been doing that anyways but um she is hardly ever around the line when u need her, she takes a ton of extra smoke breaks and is always in the breakroom when i need her i got so pilled up with parts today, see 1 box holds 8 parts and our rack can only hold 5 boxes ata time before they have to go to the shelf well i hollered and hollered and other people were hollering for alicia to come and take care of the boxes well betty ended up stacking the boxes so there was 10 boxes waitin to be checked well i had just finished the 11th box and was trying to figure out what to do when beth saw tony and hollered for him he was soo mad not at us but because he had to come over and he put the boxes on the floor he was slamming them down and i filled the rack back up again by the time alicia finnally showed up, i dunno if she got in trouble or not but it was ridiculous, i don't have time to stop and worry about having room for the parts because if i stop for even a minute i get backed up. haha trust me it's happened. the only good thing about me doing cables at the end of the night is that i don't have to clean up because by the time i get done it's all being taken care of. haha. well sorry to yack about work but that's all i have to say really haha. ciao!

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