
Wednesday, January 2, 2008


well i knew it was going to be bad going back to work after my time off but it stinks major! i was kinda in denial all day yesterday thinking that time was going to somehow go backwards and we'd start all over again. haha! we had a great time in NC. lots of stuff happened. i got sick i think it was our first night there i puked in a resteraunt, then the house had a lot of little steps not a flight of stairs but steps and it hurt my foot real bad.. but it's much much better today.and i only gained 2 pounds! cool! me,mom and sis are planning to go to fla this summer for a week or so and i've dicided on a amount i'd like to lose. i'll put a TRACKER on here. see in july we have shutdown and so i'll be off for 5 days then the weekend of course so mom and sis are going to drive down and stay there and i'll fly when i get off work i'll only stay for a week but mom and sis might stay 2 weeks or so. brr it's cold in here! i'm gonna get off here and put my laundry in the dryer and clean the bathroom. ciao!

1 comment:

Homeschoolin' hot-rodders said...

I missed you! Glad you are back!

Aunt Angela