
Wednesday, November 14, 2007


well, tony came over to me last night and said that if i could learn the last 2 jobs on that line then i could stay there so last night melissa the team leader there was training me on how to do it, it's a lot of responsibility because you are the one who checks it and puts it in the box ready for shipment, ahh!!! well at first i was wondering if tony just thought i couldn't do it and i would have to go back to my old line or if he had faith in me. i'm not sure which, last night the parts i did were the easiest parts of them all so today is going to be the true test, but tony came over there last night while i was working on the last two machines and just watched for a while and then said well i think you found a new home melissa. so i'm over there now, which alicia my old team leader isn't happy about and doyle was complaining to my new team leader that they need me down there. haha. now that i'm not down there they decide i'm good enough to be needed over there. the trick is pedro has been out on vaca monday and tuesday and that's why i was over there, he is very fast and so i hope i can keep up but now is the perfect time to learn because we are staying till 4:30 everynight even though we can get done in 8 hours we are trying to build up our parts, for thanksgiving. well i have to go get dressed and leave so wish me luck! ciao

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