Thursday, December 25, 2008
last one
well this'll be the last blog for a little while. we had a good christmas i got to talk to matt and jackie and i enjoyed seeing the family and the good quality time, but all things must come to an end, i leave in the morning and am thinking of getting "lost" haha just so i can use my awsome new gps!!! thanks the rents!!! i've been wanting one and now i think i'll be more inclined to just get up and go somewhere like columbus or indy or something like that. i'm soo excited. for my stay over here i litterally packed everything but the kitchen sink! and dread lugging it up the stairs i womder how long some of my stuff can stay in the car??? haha jk! i will be back down to the rents on sunday or else i might wait and meet them monday morning so i can get some sleep before the newport aquarium, i think that would be better cus i just have a really tough time sleeping here, not trying to be evil or rude so don't think anything of it mom! but this way i won't be a grump! i typed up an itenerary for going to the newport aquarium i've never been! i'm bringing my video camera cus they have a penguin parade and all kinds of stuff!! yay!! well i geuss i better try and go to sleep now. hasta pronto!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
long time
well it's beena long time since i updated this blog. i'm still livin on myown, love my apartment at least now that i have heat. as far as my job is concerned... well the line that i work on is being shut down on 2nd shift so only day shift will run so that had to disperse all of us there was like 9 people that are being transfered out and a fewwent to press 1 to power seats and other odd jobs, luckily i didn't get press!!! i was so scared i would get press or power seats. well they expect my line to be firing back up in febuary or march so they put me, another key memeber on my line loni, our old team leader alicia, and 2 old chicks in what they call "special projects" so we can be available to comeback when they need us. well we got out transfers on teusday and we were told that everyonein special projects has to go to day shift, ahh! so unhappy about that cus A: its dayshift and i would have to be there at 6am. i laughed at the lady when she told me i had to be there at 6 am. well B: i would lose my 1$ shift premium which is 80$ a check thats a lot of money! well our last day wednesday they said that for out first week back we will be reporting to our current advisor and on 2nd shift they told us they would try and work it out so that we can work 2nd shift instead of 1st. i pray they do cus i don't know if i could handle 1st shift. well we are going to be painting cleaning organizing racks and so on and so forth. boring! but thank goodness i have so much knowledge on my line that they want me to return to it. we found out they are starting the layoffs but they are starting with salary people first. they are giving them 45 days to volunteer layoff and get a package and if they dont get 50-80 people they will have to choose and they won't get a package my advisor along with a few other people i think are targets cus some of the lines they had shut down like jim losing tundra less to look after, but i could be wrong. so far no one knows if the layoff is going to spread to the floor yet or not. boy i hope not! this'll be the first layoff in 20 years for the company. awful! well enough depressing stuff. oh we all are being forced to take an extended vaca, i only have enough to be paid for 1 of the extra days till january then i have it coveredso on my next check i'll have 3 days unpaid. i don't know what i'm gonna do.
Friday, October 3, 2008
ok well i finnally have 5 seconds to update this thing, not a lot to say though, i've been really busy with work and sleep those are my priorties right now! haha. it's been so cold lately. tony found out that he has to cut 2 people from his department so that means that 1042 is going to run with 5 people from now on so it's gonna be exhausting, i am worried about my job, although i asked alisha what my chances were of being one of the 2 and she said slim to none so i hope thats true. it's just getting really scary i need lots of prayer!!! well i better go now. ciao! ps: happy b-day early dad!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
blah, that's how i feel, just blah the stress has just leveled me out to where i feel blah... well that's all i can write for now cus i gotta go make my lunch and tea. ciao!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
well just another quick boring nothing to say update.. haha. with the new jobs i'm doing at work i'm gaining muscle in my right arm and not my left. i'm gonna look freakish if i'm not careful!! they've got me doing springs,rivet gun/screw gun,cables. the springfs are the worst cus i have to litterally run from machine to machine to barely keep up. i keep telling them they are retarted for putting the fat grl on the running job, now i know why the guy that used to do it before always drank energy fdrinks but i don't cus they don't help, i just have noe stamina i'm running for probly 5 our of 8 hours at work, i's a tough ju=ob my face gets red and sweaty and i mean no words do it justice!!! anywho i just got done with my laundry and am now heading to bed, so ciao!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
glam or not?
when you grow up it seems so glamorous and awesome but no one warns you that when you live away from your hometown and are broke and can't go home how boring it is, i haven't left this apartment except to go to church and it's boring filled with oldies but its so anxiety filledgoing to a new church i just need some time like at one church. i'm bored crazy!! at least if i was at moms i'd have peeps to talk to and stuffplus with dad bein gone i bet moms missin him. plus i miss the comfort of the church i already know.just hate adjusting to new stuff but i have to. anywho i geuss i'll go sit and watch some mo tv.. and be bored.... haha ciao!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
well i got everything done that i wanted to get done. vaccummed laundry cleaned all that good stuff. i'm just hanging out watching tv. being bored but i need to take a shower and shave and all that annoying stuff. i done made cookies and gave to dez for her moms bday, washed dishes and trust me there was a ton! i'm thinking of making some broccolli caserole, but hate to cus i don't have a proper way of reheating the leeftover and don't know how to make just a single serving. i geuss i won't. well i better continue my boredom. ciao!
Friday, September 19, 2008
work?? por que??
work?? why must we work?? oh trhats right cus we like to eat and have a roof over our head. work is getting worse and worse.. tonight everything that went wrong did and then some it's one of those nights that machines break down and you are constantly whacking yourself witha part smashing your finger dropping stuff.. that's my night i'm honestly suprised i have any fingers left... haha j/k. well i plan on cleaning right this moment so i can enjoy a relaxing work free weekend! ciao!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
the church
well i'm sure your all dying to know how the church was that i went to so here it is, i would've posted it sooner but my electryictiy was out for about 24 hours... arg! haha. ok so i chose the restoration christian center. it was craazy filled with old people. so ddn't like it it was some old guy for a preacher and that's not what i'm looking for so i think i'm gonna try out community christian church out this sunday. doen't sound to promisingbut we'll see. it's like 1 street away from my street so that's cool. i'm broke so that's why i'm not coming up this or last weekend. but thats the price you pay living on your own. uhh i'm tired and ready for bedi've got all the makins for a proper tamale for pa but don't know when i'll get back down there to make it for him. miss ya guys! well i'm gonna head off here now. and just sit and watch tv and them go to bed.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
heart attack
oh man i just about had a heart attack cus i'm sittin here checkin my email and i hear someone go hey! and start knocking on my door, i was like what?? i went to the door and said who is it, no one answereed it was some guy and he's like oh wrong door he was wanting the neighbors, but phew i was scared, good thing i havce three locks on my door! i'm going to try out a new church tommorow, i'm really excited! hopefully there will be someone i know or recognize that i maybe go to work with there. i've got to clean house it's such a dissaster. i'm getting ready to take a shower here in a few mins. i'm not coming home this weekend so hopefully mom and sis do ok. i love you guys i just don't have the extra money this check to come down there, gas is going up up up!!! i went to bed early last night and so now i'm up early, arg! haha. well i better go ahead and take my shower! adios!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
well just thought i'd post a wuickie before i went to bed, not a lot to say stopped my walmart and picked up a few groceries after work so i don't starve before payday. haha. i have therapy tommorow and i have to do laundry i need to clean u pthe house a little bit to. well i geuss that's all. hope everyone enjoyed my crazy pics! haha ciao!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
yep i'm still awake and not going down anytime soon, haha i've got a pic of my bathroom or rather my toilet i'm gonna try to put up on here cus this is how i keep my tp, haha ocd? jk! and maybe a few misc pics. i've gotten very camera friendly lately.. haha! well i just got done in the kitchen, i made tamales for dad and chris to try, they are different from the first batch i had to use just plain chicken breast that i browned up and shredded and so i put just green sauce and chicken no cheese this time but it should be good still see that's how most mexicans make tamales. i also made some extra for tyler i'll steam them in the morning and i'll put them in the fridge at church and all he'll have to do is unwrap them and pop them in the microwave to warm then up, i'm bringing my steamer so i can steam dads fresh. i made some pb&j uncrustables and stuck one in a bag so i have 4 for this week for lunch at work already in bags on a plate in the fridge handy? i know!! haha. sis could save a lotta money making uncrustables for chris for work. they are the same thing! haha anywho. brr its cold in here so i best turn off my air. ok oh yeah i also am doing an experiment in my bread machine with pumpkin purree, i made dough like usual but adding pumpkin,nutmeg,and cinnamon, hope it's good, it smells good! well i can't think of what else to say so ciao!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
well, i went to bed at like 1030 so i'm wide awake now so i geuss i'll cook something. i'm so bored just trying to pass the time till it's time to leave for mom and pops. i'm not sure how this change in sleep schedule is going to affect me tommorow.i feel like i haven't talked to anyone in awhile. looking forward to talking to dad last time i was down we didn't hardly talk. i'm making tamales for him cus last week they didn't get to eat them. bummer!
Friday, September 5, 2008
well i'm kinda trying to wind myself down so i can go to sleep cus i gotta get up early tommorow, i gotta go get my license and get to work early and start working early so we aren't there till 3 haha, i want my weekend to start as soon as possible!and i need to clean up the kitchen. so not looking forward to that! haha. so i gotta get up about 12:30 i'll probly take a shower and shave tonight so i don't have to worry about it. haha. well ciao!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
last blog
well i had a whole blog wrote on that last one but for ome reason it didn't post it only the title and didn't feel l ike posting another one. i stayed home from work today i just feel so run down and i've had a mild fever the last 2 days, but i had a drs appt set up for a couple weeks now for an annual checkup with my gyno and didn't wanna cancel. i just figured i should start getting annual checkups it was awful i just laid there and cried i don't wanna do it again but i know i need to. amanda you need to to! now i know why u hated them mom. awful. i was watching gilmore grls tonight and i just wanted to say a few things to my mom. i know it seems like i don't need you but it's soo not true i need you but i'm trying not to need you, i don't know if that makes sense i dunno. i love you super super much and my first night here i just cried myself to sleep cause i didn't wanna move and be by myself i wanted to stay in the comfort of the house, it gets so lonely sometimes and it seems like i don't wanna be down there on the weekends and it's only because i have to go home to an empty house and if i'm not having a good time or connecting with ya'll then it doesn't hurt as much, but i realized it's super unhealthy. and hurtful to you and i'm so sorry cus the last thing i want to do is hurt you. i love you mommy. the reason gilmore grls sparked that is cus i watched the 7th season so sad. well i g2g and take a nice shower and clean up the living room and my room.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
well it's either really early or super late your pick... but i've been tossing and turning all night long just not sure why so i haven't got a wink of sleep i'm gonna be a total crab tommorow or rather this morning, sorry guys! i made tamales!!! yay!! what?? you ask... well i have been saying i was going to make tamales but never actually made them well i did it yesterday i made a ton, steamed 5 and i ate 1 and sent the other 4 with dez and she gave me an awesome compliment that they remind her of her man eroles grandmas tamales. except they have cheddar cheese instead of queso, but she said she kinda liked it better that way so i said we'll just call them an american version haha! i'm getting ready to steam up a few to take back to the rents and sis and chris, and then i have some left so i'm gonna steam them before work teusday and have one for lunch and give the 2 mexicans a couple just to see if they are truly any good or not. i'mgonna try desert tamales when i feel up to it cus they are a lot of work! aww dez helped me rearrange my kitchen cabinet so now i can fit all my groceries in there. haha. and she's so clever cus she put everything to where you can read what it is. well i better go start my water for the tamales they take 50 mins to steam, and you have to keep filling the water back up haha. i'm gonna have to get a collapsable steamer it'll be easier.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
ok i feel way better now, cus i got right up after that last post pulled my exercise thing out and got on it, not for long but who cares?!?! then my legs were like rubber so i got out my weights and worked on my arms then i felt good so i walked around inside my apartment and was feeling awful about the kitchen so i cleaned it one room at a time it'll go back to non chaos haha. took forever to do the dishes but i did them and i have a ton of groceries meaning stuff to cook. tommorow i make tamales hopefully i don't sleep till dark thirty! haha. i'm going to sit down and wind down now on the couch thing. oh my fav song just came on! i hate when that happens right when you are going to do something else. i've been having probs with my alarm and was almost late for work yesterday friday. 3 day weekend i want to clean and stuff and laundry now so i can just enjoy my weekend i'm getting kinda hungry so i think i'll cook something ugh dishes oh well i'll live, nobody worry i'm just really emaotional cus i'm expecting a visit from and evil aunt name flow. haha ciao!
i'm sitting here in my apartment just feeling so lonely, fat,ugly. everything. and it doesn't help when i go home i still feel just as lonely. i haven't felt like this in a long time, and i hate it i wish i could just rip my fat off. why am i like this?? i hate the way i look. ok music changed so i'm better now, i think i might pull out my exercise thing right now and get on there. ciao.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
well just sitting at moms house feeling restless i can't get to sleep to much stuff on my mind but not going to get into all that. mom made the best peach cobbler!! yum yum!! we grilled out and watched a movie pretty good night all around. my tongue ring came unscrewed yesterday and it fell out it freaked me out big time to! but my tongue is all healed up and i can take it out and stuff with no probs. it was so funny i showed amanda and she was all like ewww!!! my nose piercing is infected so i am going to have to get some sea salt and mix with water and spray it on like i should've done in the first placebut was to lazy well gonna go ciao!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
just a lil somthin
well just got up about 30 mins ago i paid bills balanced my checkbook and am getting ready to study, its a good day so far. we got a customer call yesterday for having a missing spring the same problem we had last week where he shut the line down and we havent got the part back to find out if it was around the same day or not. if not then we are getting wrote up so i'm kinda stressin about it, but i'm trying to just let it go. it's on a part that i was doing cables and so i should've caught it. and the crazy thing is that we mark the big spring now so we hope it's from day shift or from the other day. i got woke up early today by a hammer cus the maintenance people are doing work on the building, they fixed the light thank goodness and took the back light switch off, and pulled up the carpet at the bottom of the stairs and i geusss they'll start on the stairs soon i dunno. well i g2g so i can get to work early and start working.was that you mom or dad that left that comment on my pic?

everyone take pride i'm the only person you will ever meet that has a cathroom disguised as a bathroom. haha! j/k i'm such a procrastinator i didn't go to the store tonight like i needed to but oh well i will live! i'm keeping my camera with me to take updated pics and i'll hook ya'll up with some soon.
oh wait heres a good one! so cute! look right behid me is my laundry basket haha!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
just some random thoughts for the day cus i gotta get ready for work. i hate cleaning house! payin bills, cooking, well actually i love cooking just hate cleaning up afterwards. haha. i started to clean the apartment on sunday and figured i'd take it room by room. well i did the cathroom and my room and now the broom and mop and vacuum are in the living room waiting for me to do it. uhh..... haha i just walk around it haha! awful!f anyone knows anyone who sell chicken tamales with green sauce hook me up! they are so hard to make and i'd rather just buy them. haha. at some point i'll post some pics on here dunno when haha. i geuss the next time i'm bored. haha!!! well i geuss i'm gonna head off here i have to go to the store after work tonight. :(
false alarm
well the cell phone thing turned out to be a false alarm thank goodness! haha it was in a tub right by my laundry basket. well not a lot new, managed to get off work before 5. haha!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
yay!! i fixed my computer and i now have internet! so here's an update it's awful i lost my phone somewhere along the lines, when i was bringing in all my stuff but i didn't notice it was missing till later so i went outside and scoured he ground and asked my 2 neighbors about it, so i'm gonna go to at&t in the morning and get a replacement, so everyone send me your number cus they are gone now.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
well not a whole lot is new with me, work stinks but cucho overtime and so mucho dinero!! haha. i'm glad cus i got my first electric and cable bill ahh! haha. the first one is always the worst! i'm so tired i think i'm gonna hit the hay soon. long day tommorow. oh and i should warn ya'll now if u see me soon i have my nose and tongue pierced so don't freak out.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
well finally here is an update on me. i did end up going through my first seymour storm and of course it was a big one, i got off work and all the street lights were out and the electricity was out at my aprtment so i had to go in and go up the stairs into a dark apartment but i lived it was so scary at first but i knew i would be ok so i lived, been through quite a few storms since then but none as severe as that first one, wats new? well i got my nose pierced, its very cute it's hardly noticable. went shopping today and got like 7 shirts soo cute!next check i'm getting some more jeans. work is kinda dreadful they just fired 2 people on my line they let all the temps go and so we lost 3 people off my line one was college help though but it's an all grl line now and i am not a big fan of them all. haha. but it'll be good! so now i really am the only person on my line who knows how to do every machine for every part soo not cool, a lot of stress because the new people have only had like 1 day of training, so it's gonig to be very nerve racking and difficult! i don't know! arg! ok i need to stop thinking about it i'm gonna go to bed, ciao!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
well i'm all settled into the apartment now, i love it! curious though cus i haven't been through my first seymour storm, i'm sure i'll be fine. i'm getting internet and cable put in on thursday so you'll probly see more updates. well i better run gotta go to walmart and get gas. ciao!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
gone gone gone
well i moved in to my new home yesterday, we tried to warn the guys that the stairs were really steep and they didn't believe us, but they got there and were like oh wow they are steep, i felt so bad for them it was killer going up and down and up and down. but i got everything unpacked last night and my apartment is all set up so i'm an independent woman now. an independent woman who had her wallet stolen outta her car with her money and license and checks i'm very mad! but whatever it is what it is. i'm getting ready to go to the store tonight in seymour and spend an arm and a leg it takes a lot to get my cupboards stocked with the normal stuff like flour and sugar. well i better go now until sunday! adios!
Friday, July 4, 2008
first night
well i spent the first night in my new home last night, it was interesting cus i think my neighbors were moving out last night sneaking out more like it. and a train went by and the whole place shook a little and he blew his horn for like 10 mins straight. but i slept good the air works really good to. i'm taking a break from packing and stuff but i better get back to it. ciao!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
i feel like a zombie with only 5 hours sleep. thank goodness i don't have to do cables today i probly would've died. my legs hurt! i'[m up and i got my shower i just need to get dressed and head out, mom and sis just left. it would be nice to have a nice lunch with them, if i get up there quick enough and can help them. so i better go now ciao!
if you could hear it you would hear a really huge sigh, it's been such a stressful week and it's not even over yet. i hate packing. i've been putting it off as much as possible. but it doesn't work. friday is the day the last day to clean and pack. i have to be up super early tommorow cus we have to be in to work an hour earlier since we are off friday, and i have ubber amounts of errands to do. i have to go sign the lease and give one of the original keys back to the landlord, and i have to go get a few things for the apartment, and i'm gonna try to go early enough to help clean, i should'nt even be up still and blogging cus i have to take a shower but oh well i can't help it. i need to destress, this is sooo much at once, i can feel it all finnally taking its toll, i've been to the apartment last night and tonight to drop stuff off, i took a vacuum over the first night and then some waters i stuck in the fridge for mom and sis tommorow, cus they are sooo sweet and they are going to clean it for me, i feel sooo bad that i can't help, but i have to work. and i have to sleep. i've been really moody these last 2 days i almost startted crying like 3 times tonight and i think it's cus i'm really moving, it's a huge change and change as we all know is sooo diffucult for me. and i don't have therapy till the 10th, boy is she gonna be suprised, i got lost my first time going to the apartment when i dropped off the vacuum which was awful luging it up the stairs, i would love it if dad could bring either his camera or the digital to take a few pics to post up here, i do live in a really good neighborhood, so i'm lucky i live on the other side of town in the downtown area, which is a lot better. i'm gonna have to carry a flashlight with me or something to get in my apartment cus the lights in the hallway are never on, one is burnt out. so that has to be replaced. i'm afraid it's gonna bother my neighbors, but it is pitch black and scary not being able to see up the stairs, i'll be fine if i have a flashlight. ace hardware is having that going out of buisness sale so mom got me a ton of stuff from there thanks mom! she has been awesome throught this whole thing, i'm not sure wether i'm gonna stay over on saturday night or wait till sunday so i don't have to get up ubber early to get to chruch. i'm gonna be so poor for awhile it stinks! i better make sure i have enough clean undies and socks and stuff for a whole week till i can bring it back to wash here on saturdays. i'm dreading the move, did i mention that my apartment is upstairs?!?! well i better go take a shower and lay my clothes out for work and go to bed, ciao!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the support and the offers of help are just pouring in! i've had a couple people offer to let me use their vehicles but i decided that it was going to be easiest for me to rent a uhaul cus i have a lot of big stuff. so thanks though! i didn't fully realize all the things it takes to stock a kitchen and bathroom, i think i'm gonna have to raid moms... haha shhh!!! j/k. well i better go so i can take a shower and go to work. ciao!
Monday, June 30, 2008
the sky parted and the heavens shone down....
well, i am the proud renter of a apartment as of today. seem sudden? it kinda was, we went today to look at apartments and the first 2 were duds but the 3rd one, we fell in love with, the price is right and the size is perfect! good neighborhood to. this is a very uniquie apartment the layout and stuff. it has a breakfast bar so awesome! my fav thing. we are working on moving in this week. sis is here to help me i gotta go.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
sigh of relief
whew! this week is over, it's been a long and tough one but it's over. i'm glad mom is back now. i'm ready to have a relaxing weekend although i need to clean my room and my car, i'll probly clean my car tommorow and my room sunday. but we are going to see kung fu panda on sunday yay!!! heard many good things! well i'm gonna hit the hay! ciao!
Friday, June 20, 2008
it has been a crazy week and i just can't seem to keep up with everything, i'm letting the bathroom heat up so i can take my shower and then go to bed but i have to be up at 11am cus i have a ton of errands and stuff and i have to be to work an hour earlier tommorow,i did have kinda a breakdown at work cus i have a lot of pressure on me now that ashley is gone and i'm really tired cus i am not sleeping good on the plus side i lost a few more pounds, but anyways i just got so tired and so frustrated that i wasn't going as fast as i wanted on the cables and a few tears started to roll down my cheeks but i was getting control of myself, until david comes over and asks if i'm ok. then i just ran off the line and bawled for like 5 seconds. but i recovered and no one was the wiser except for the guys on my line, and yes i'm taking my meds everyday like i'm sposed to i just sometimes need a break and so i'm glad for the weekend, they just told me today that they were sending david to another area and we were getting a guy from dayshift and apparently he knows everything on that line and i think he's hispanic it's hard to tell from his little picture cus he's smiling real big and he kinda looks asian cus he is kinda lighter skined. i dunno. but i have mixed feelings about him coming over, i'm glad cus now i will be able to relax cus i won't be the only one who knows every machine, but i'm worried that he's gonna be super fast and i'm gonna be really slow compared to him and i'm gonna lose my job, it's tough right now cus they are firing a lot of people. temps right now but i just hope i'm doing a good enough of a job. alicia is just a bear right now and i think it has a lot to do with her milking this prego thing she's only 6 weeks, it shouldn't make her this mean and irritable yet. but what do i know? i miss being able to talk to mom cus she's been gone for like 2 weeks and we've barely seen each other. she knows how to calm me down and stuff so i don't freak out. well i'm tired and so i better take my shower now while i still have the energy. ciao
Thursday, June 19, 2008
well, we are slowly getting loni trained on the cables, she is doing much better on everything else but cables, oh well i know it's tough to learn them at first. it's official i learned a new machine today, and i'm starting to realize that it's going to be ok if i have to learn a new machine, because my ability to catch on is getting better, yesterday which would be teusday night line 1009 didn't have a guy show up so they fired him well there are only 2 other operators in the area that know how to do that guys job that's me and beth, well they were shorthanded and i didn't even know, haha, but tony asked beth to stay and help the line out and she said no but she said i think melissa was wanting some overtime, jokingly well a little later tony comes over to me and says that beth voluntered me to stay and work on 1009, i was like uhh what?? i didn't say anything cuys i wasn't sure how serious he was cus like i said i didn't know they were shorthanded i thought that betty just wanted to go home early, so he stands there for awhile and finnally i asked if betty was wanting to go home early or what was going on? he said no that they were shorthanded so i was like oh well of ccourse i'll stay and help i didn't know that you were shorthanded otherwise i would've already said yes, so he says that its just for 2 hours and i'm like ok i can do it, well we start work on 1009 and tony says we were going to be there till 4:30 or until the parts got done, we barely made it, we got done at 4:15 haha. but i was a little aggravated cus apparently he knew that we would be here till 4:30 but just didn't want to tell me. oh well, more money for me, he knows i was overtime and the only way to get it is to work on 1009 but thats like 3 hours of overtime a little more than i want in a night, oh well. my team leader is prego, so i'm freaking out like well whos going to replace her and yada yada when she goes on maternity leave. cus doyle is getting ready to be transfered so he can't fill in for her, i kinda hope that they might try to train me or something. i'm going to start asking alicia what i can do to help her and stuff and try to pick up a few things on my own. i doubt they'll ask me but you never know.well i need to balance my checkbook ugh... i hate doing that. haha. ciao!
Friday, June 13, 2008
soo tired
this has been a very tiring week,we've gotten plenty of overtime though so i'm very very excited for that!!! we havea new chick on our line to replace ashley the prego they went ahead and sent her to a different area. it's tough because now i'm the last english speaking person that knows every machine and stuff. i told the new grl loni that if she needed help to just say hey and i'll be right over, well she chose to ask the guys who don't really know enough about the machines and enough english to help each other so we constantly had parts with wrong brackets and yada yada. we had a department meeting yesterday after lunch and i brought up in the meeting that 1042 (my line) is having a lot of problems i said i'm the only one who understands these certain machines fully and it's very diffucult for me to be in 2 places at once and i said that part of the reason we've had so much scrap is because the guys are not understanding me and i can't train them properly and i just said that communication is a big problem on our line, when they have a part that won't go through a certain machine they just put it to the side and your can't do that they can't tell me what the problem is with the part even though they now it's just communication, and i said i'm trying to learn spanish but i'm just not at the point that i can help and it's frustratin for them and me. i'm stressin big time cus i have to explain things to loni whereas when ashley was still there either me or her could've done it, but i keep having to stop and fix things cus of communication issues, i didn't say this last part in the meeting but um tony said well if we need to we can call an interpreter, a couple of the hispanic guys got a little upset at me the ones from my line, but i am not the only one frustrated by it i know they are to. and i don't mean anything by it or anything either, but now there is only 1 english speaking person who knows what needs done and how to do it, and thats me and it's soo tough i'll be glad when they get loni fully trained but it's gonna be awhile. sorry to go on and on but it's been a tough week and i'm soo tired from all the ot, i am getting ready to go to beed i'm just going to balance my checkbook and maybe get a bit to eat, well adios!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
an ubber quicky
well just a super quick update cus i got to wash didshes continue my laundry and make my lunch for tommorow. it's soooo hot in the plant! crazy! our production is super super low, i think they are trying to get rid of that line. i hope not! i dont want to get moved! i hate learning something new, but we should be getting a bunch of new machines in place of that line that we all will still be running. i hope. haha. i am tired i had to take oil to chris at 5 am last night his car died on 56 cus it ran out of oil. i was at that almost asleep point but it's no big deal i am glad i was able to help. i'm going to try to make and appt with a dermatologist about those bumps under my arms they are annoying!! and quite painful. well mom is going with me on the 23rd to look at apartments in seymour and fill out apps and stuff. i'm ubber wexcited well i better get off here now, ciao!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
yes this blog is going to be juicy.. haha. well after fabian the mexican that mouthed off was fired we recieved another guy this time is was a redneck psycho guy. i was talking to him and found out that he had been transferred over herebecause he had a temper and talking back problem. hmm.. ring any bells?? i was like ok we get the crazys. well the guys on my line are mexican and although their english is not good they do their best and they want to learn they are always asking me how you say this or that. well david was trying to help crazy redneck guy and he was getting angry at david cus he could'nt understand him, so i went over there to help and boom all ofa sudden he starts saying we live in america you need to speak american. it upset me so i informed alicia and just said that he was very rude and offensive and i should'nt have to hear it. well she tells tony but nothing happens so ok whatever. abbout an hour later redneck says that he is american and i said what's that have to do with the price of tea in china? we're all american so i tuned him out after that. well today louis was trying to help redneck and he got mad and started saying that he needed to speak english and blah blah blah. he's going on and on. i had gone over to help them when he started saying all this. so i got sooooo mad, i wanted to deck him or throw something at him, but i didn't i just said that there is no reason to make comments like that and i told him that if i hear another commment like that again i'm taking him to hr. well he settled down but i was just literallyshaking with anger i told alicia what happened just to cover my butt you know. i told her that if he says something else i will go to hr, she said ok and let tony know. there was no problem with me going to hr. a little later i'm standing there and talking to alicia and i hear from right behind me " i don't like working with people who don't speak english" my mouth went wide open my face turned bright red and alicia said what's wrong ? i told her what he said and i said you need to go tell tony or whoever that we are going to hr. she said ok. she went to get tony. redneck starts trying to explain why he said that and i just put up my hand and said " i don't wanna hear it, i warned you that if you said another racist comment like that that i was going to take you to hr, i said tonys on his way and then we are going to hr" he's just a temp and with his background he knew he would get fired so he just walked off the line. he quit. so tony asked me what happened and yada yada but he apparently was going to have a talk with redneck anywho about his comments tthat if he found out about another instance he was fired. tony was not mad at all with me, neither was alicia. thankfully there was an extra person that day and so she helped us out the rest of the night oh this all happened within the first 2 hours of the day. so we get another new guy tommorow and the joke is don't scare this one away . but i did the right thing and everyone knows it. i geuss he had been making comment on friday to beth and i just don't understand why she didn't say anything, i was the only person on my line that stood up to him, i just don't understand that. the guys if they understood would've stood up for themeselves, they were all kinda scared i geuss until they found out what happened, cus you could just tell i was mad. but i kept my cool. so crazy night tonight haha! i'm sorry but i have always been like that you don't just disrespect people like that. i'll step to you. if tony hadn't had my back i could've lost my job i could've hit him and lost my job, but i handled it right. i apologized to tony but he said there was nothing to apologize for i geuss they were already having problems between redneck and alicia and backtalk and stuff so i did the dirty work for them. haha.but i guarantee you i never have probs on that line they all respect me know. haha. anyways i better go to bed. told you it was going to be juicy didn't i?
Thursday, May 15, 2008
well, my friend at work desiree is getting married, she's 19 well she is going to look for a wedding dresson saturday with her maid of honor well she asked me to go to she said i could just stay the night friday and we can all just make a day of it, i was really excited she asked me cus that's kinda a big deal! she is hillarious though!so i just gotta get the ok from mom and stuff but i'm really excited, makes me kinda like awww... you know? haha but its all good! mom if ur reading this will you let me know if it's ok to go, i don't know how long i'll be gone saturday, love ya!
Monday, May 12, 2008
well nothing new going on in my life right now, just getting things planned for the summer specialy for shut down week in july. i have a vaca day the end of this month yay!! it's sucha long stretch from christmas to july. i just got done cleaning the bathroom and doing laundry my room is for the most part clean so i'm going to make food then head out to clean my car up. ahh!! haha. well pip is going crazy he is soo popular at work it's crazy. haha. i can't keep enough pics on my fine. but i'm like how many times do you need to see him laying down haha! he is such a cutie though. well ciao!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
a quickie
well just wanted to let yall know that fabian is gone he was fired because he was mouthing off to alicia and she told tony and so he didn't show up friday so tony said he's fired! yaya!! well that's all ciao!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
welljust a quick update here, i've got to attack my roomin a lil bit. the new guy on my line is a switchover from dayshift and i geuss they had to switch him cus he had a temper and a problem with his mouth. well he made me sooo mad yesterday. we were doing our first parts and into our second hour of work and we all joke around and say like andale! so i don'tkow what he was doing but i told him to andale as a joke. well he got mad and he told me that i wasn't his manager or hissupervisor and so i can't tell him what to do, oh that made me mad, so i was like excuse me? iwas justjoking with you, imean this is with the neck roll the attitude face and everything, he was having machine probs i knew how to fix it so we're all standing there waiting on him and he looks at me and wants me to fix it so i said no i'm not your manager or your supervisor so i'm not helping you, i mean i was mad! i geuss alicia saw it and went and told tony so he comes to me and asks me if faibian is being mouthy and i was like yeah a lil so he's all like i'll take care of it. haha. then fabian tries to play it off as a joke but it's not, then he tries to ask me for another pair of gloves later on in the shift i told that he's asking the wrong person he needs to holler for alicia like the rest of us. then a lil later davidhad a bad part and he didn't know wat was wrong wit it so he turns to me i said i don't know whats wrong with it either you need to holler for alicia i can't fix everything, i can't fix your problems i have my own. they can't do anything for themeselves and i don't know why.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
well the first 4 hours went by yesterday and i thought that i wasn't going to get wrote up, well after lunch tony comes and pulls me off the line but doesn't put anybody in my place so the whole line had to stop cus i was doing cables. i got wrote up. i was so mad i couldn't think straight. whatever. my uniforms should be in soon.amanda and chris are getting a doggie!!! haha. well i g2g ciao!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
top things..
here are a few of the most annoying things that you deal with daily..
cold toilet seat
going to the loo at like 3 am and not being able to go back to sleep.
bring in the groceries from the car to the house.
transfering laundry from wahser to dryer.
washing dishes.
people that call you and don't leave a voicemail.
getting out of the shower in the morning to a cold bathroom
paying bills..
well i'd love for people to comment with a few of their top annoying things to! ciao
cold toilet seat
going to the loo at like 3 am and not being able to go back to sleep.
bring in the groceries from the car to the house.
transfering laundry from wahser to dryer.
washing dishes.
people that call you and don't leave a voicemail.
getting out of the shower in the morning to a cold bathroom
paying bills..
well i'd love for people to comment with a few of their top annoying things to! ciao
Saturday, April 26, 2008
well mom had keyboard probs so i'm updating now, well tony never did write me up if he doesn't do it on monday then he isn't going to do it, but i doubt he will so thats good. well thats all for now. ciao
Thursday, April 24, 2008
another one??!!?!
haha, yes this is another update. my feet are killing me!! it was just sooooooo hot in the factory, but we will survive! it could be worse. so i hear. haha. i did get my raise today so i'm very excited for that. work well, hmm. had kinda a rough night. lemme start from the begining... 2 weeks ago we got a customer call that our part had a left lid when it should've been right wel we all have different colored markers so that when a customer calls they can know who it was. well, i'm white and 2 people share green, tony was really really mad at this because it's a silly mistake, but and easy one to make, he said that he'd give the person who did it a free pass, well it was beth so they said we better not let it happen again or they are getting wrote up. well tommorow i'm being called back to get a verbal warning, and i'm just really upset by it. because it was me and we did get a customer call on it, the biggest problem is that the machine that checks to make sure we've got the right lid on isn't working right so our pokeyokes don't work which means that they can't tell if it's right or not. and another thing is that alicia has to check and mark each part at the end of the line that it is 100% the right part, so this part get's through everything, and i mean i was doing my very very best to check and double check each lid, but out of 1500 parts a day one got through and yes it is my fault but, i'm really frustrated because i'm getting wrote up over it, i've made 2 mistakes since i've been there and they've been my first time making that mistake but i got wrote up everyone else has been given a second chance and i haven't i mean i am litterally not allowed to make a mistake because i get wrote up for it, and i understand that and all but i feel like i'm being picked on because we've had other customer calls in the last few weeks for different reasons and it's not these peoples first time making the mistake but no one has got wrote up over it, and i think it has a lot to do with well tonys getting a lotta hit from the big bosses and they wanna see people get wrote up for these reccuring mistakes, i'm the only one on that line that will not argue that will admit i made a mistake and not get all attitudy and stuff and tony knows it to. everyone else fights and argues and yada yada, so i think i've become a really good target for write ups. and i'm a really hard worker i go above and beyond everyday, i get there 30 mins early and do the pm checklist because no one else will, i stay a few mins extra and take care of the scrap at the end of the night because now one else will. i don't argue when i'm asked to do or learn something new i just do it. i don't complain either, now i'm by no means perfect but im doing the best i can and i just feel like everything little thing i get beat down for when no one else is. it bothers me because it goes on my record and i don't know how many but after a certain amount of write ups you get either suspended or fired and i don' want that. i'm just very frustrated and i know that tony and alicia are to but i feel like a scapegoat. tony even admitted that he knows that we cannot guarantee that every part has the right lid on it when we are running 200 parts and hour and the other machines aren't working right. and i'm just at a loss as to what to do, i won't do anything other than go in there tommorow and sign the paper and admit that i made a mistake. well that's enough for now. i spose. i need to go o bed, ciao!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
well, when matt and jackie knew they were going to japan, i was planning to go visit them, well, i just don't have the vacation time to do that, so i heard amanda saying she has the time and she would love to go but they can't afford it cus they just got a new house and all, well i was thinking and so i decided to pay for her to go i mean i work hard and i want to be able to share my money, and i know she's happy cus she really misses them, i miss them to and would love to go see them but i couldn't, the situation reminded me of the ladies advance that i wanted to go but didn't have the money and grandma wanted to go but it was to far away and so she paid for me to go. and i'll never forget that and so i am trying to pay it forward so to speak.. i'm ready to get all my stuff paid off cus gas is sooooooo ridiculus! i'm gonna have to just buckle down and get it done already. i'm trying my hardest to resist the urge to cut all my hair off, because it is so hot in the plant and it's not even summer yet. it was miserable in there today. but i love my hair and i don't wanna chop it off i just need to figure out how to keep it outta my face and off my neck. mom got me these aqua cool things like hankies that you soak in water and put in the fridge and wear them on your neck to keep cool i geuss they last a couple days before you have to soak them again, i feel sooooo bad for ashley though because she's like i dunno5 or 6 months pregnant and i know shes miserable, if i'm miserable then she is. i'm going to put a direct line into the front office complaining that we arent allowed water bottles on our line. that's ridiculus! well i better go to bed now ciao!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
monday blues
yeah i know it's over now but i so had the monday blues, didn't want to go to work! i slept all weekend and so i lost my weekend. sometimes i hate working 2 nd shift, cus everyone still expects me to get up on saturdays and go and run and do stuff, but i just can't do it every weekend. i miss seeing people, but there is no way i'm going to day shift no thank you! haha. well i've got laundry going and so i'm gonna attempt to find food, i don't know what i'll come up with since i haven't gone to the store in like 2 weeks... haha, well ciao!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
what day is it??
well, i'm all outta whack, i went shopping today and got like no sleep well i came home and went to bed and woke up at 8 and was like oh no did i sleep through church what day is it?? i hate when i don't do my normal routine cus then i'm all outta whck. well g2g. ciao!
Friday, April 18, 2008
up at the crack of dawn..
yep that's me it's only 1:30 and i've beenup and showered for a half hour., which is like the crack of dawn for me. we always go in an hour early on friday and get out an hour early. i hate fridays, for that reason. not a lot to saly except it's hot hot hot in the plant yesterday was so dreadful. it was all stuffy and hot. but anyways... well i gotta pack my overnight bag i'm staying with beth tonight and we are going shopping in the morning, which means hardly no sleep tonight,. but it's ok. well ciao!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
super quick
well i know it's been awhile and yet suprisingly nothing is new, i've been super super busy! it's crazy. just kinda an update on how i'm doing, well i've had a uti for almost 2 weeks i'm going to see the nurse at work to see if she can write me a prescription but i've been taking craneberry and echinecha and goldenseal and at first it didn't help but i can tell a difference now, well i am running behind i've gotta clean the bathroom before mom wrings my neck! haha. and go to the bank and then it's off to work for another wonderful day in the neighborhood..... not. haha. i love my job, i love my job, i love my job. actually i'm lucky cus theres a few fun people on my line, it's so horrid if no one else is talking and stuff, but my line a couple of us sing and stuff so we make it fun well pip is annoying me with his incessant whining so time for him to go potty~ ciao!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
you are the wind beneath my wings...
this is a shoutout to my mom! the most awesome person in the world. this is one of my favorite poems, for you mom:
i carry your heart with me by E. E. Cummings
i carry your heart with me(i carry it inmy heart)i am never without it(anywherei go you go,my dear; and whatever is doneby only me is your doing,my darling)i fearno fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i wantno world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)and it's you are whatever a moon has always meantand whatever a sun will always sing is youhere is the deepest secret nobody knows(here is the root of the root and the bud of the budand the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which growshigher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars aparti carry your heart(i carry it in my heart
i carry your heart with me by E. E. Cummings
i carry your heart with me(i carry it inmy heart)i am never without it(anywherei go you go,my dear; and whatever is doneby only me is your doing,my darling)i fearno fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i wantno world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)and it's you are whatever a moon has always meantand whatever a sun will always sing is youhere is the deepest secret nobody knows(here is the root of the root and the bud of the budand the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which growshigher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars aparti carry your heart(i carry it in my heart
Thursday, March 27, 2008
well just a quickie, we got rid of betty off my line yaya!!!! we were given a mexican guy in her place but he is funny and a hard worker unlike her. haha. finnally have all my credit cards paid off. soo happy abnout that! whoo! just 2 more things to pay off and then i'm good! well me,mom,and sis are still debating on going to fla this july but i think we tottally should. i need a vaca and i know they do to. it'll be good bonding time, plus it'll give me an excuse to go on a plane since i've never flown gonna be weird specially since i'll be by myself. ahh! but it's cool. i'm at the point in my life that i can do things like that which is totally weird cus last year i wouldve laughed in your face at the thought. i love my independence though, since it's been forever no scratch that i've never had my independence nothing about my parents, cus that's not the issue it was always me and how i could never do anything alone, i would break into a sweat and get nervous and shaky just going into walmart by myself. now it's nothing! less than nothing in fact. well i just think it's time to go to bed.ciao!
Monday, March 24, 2008
i felt as though i had gained some weight so i got on the dreaded scale and lo and behold i actually lost 1 pound,. not a lot but i'll take it haha! well we got rid of betty off our line, yeah! well i just am sick sick sick. i would've been better already i think if i'dve been able to take regular meds but with my blood pressure i'm not supposed to. so we'll see. well i g2g get ready for work.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
hmm, not a lot to update on but i figured i might as well put something. work is going just a smidge better, veronica is on the verge of getting fired and she says she's gonna quit. but then we'll be short 2 people on our line. oh well. i was sposed to have this friday off cus toyota is shutt down and all but i voluntered to work on 1009 since their production is soo high they have been working till 4:30 every night for like 3 weeks straight. i feel bad for them, but our production is higher as well, i have been thinking of maybe cooking dinner this sunday i dunno, we have a sunrise service at 6:30 am. i'll probly be a zombie but that's ok. haha. but i thought that i might cook i dunno though i might go home and conk straight out and not cook so maybe i shouldn't say that i'll cook. haha. well i better go and take a shower i think betty gave me bronchitis cus she's had it for awhile and yesterday she had a fever and i told her to stay away cus i didn't wanna get sick and she's all likt oh it's just a sinus infection, that aint what she told me earlier! i think she got me sick! oh well i'll start taking my amoxicillin. well ciao!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
is this week over yet? i so wish! you know i work with the 2 biggest babies in the whole world! uhh i'm too tired to even think about it right now all i know is i'm ready for this week to be over especially cus next week i have friday off! yay!!! i'm going to lunch with heather and crystal tommorow. somewhere cheap. have ya'll seen gas prices??????? i heard that by april or may they'll be up to 4 or 5 dollars. i'm like uhhhhhhhhhh. i might have to start staying at someones house during the week just to save money, that might be a good idea like on thursday night or whatever but anyways my feet hurt and ihave to get up at 10:30 insert crying sign here. then thursday if i have enough money from my check i've gotta get my oil changed which means another early day cus moms going to drive it to the ladies advance and i'm gonna take the camry to work friday. but it needs an oil change i've just been to lazy to do it, so i need to take it thursday to louisville and i have to clean it out and if i have time i'll vaccumm it out, but i think they are goin gto be lucky if i clean it out! haha. mom was kinda suprised i think that i offered it to her to use but i owe them soo much and i know it would save them money if i can ever do things to help them i want to be able to. i was hoping to start paing rent but that didn't work out. well i need to get some shut eye as much as possible. ciao!
Friday, March 7, 2008
yes it's another update. not a lot to say except i've been snowed in, so kinda stinks kinda doesn't/. stinks cus i'll need to go ahead and clean my toom and do my laundry and clean the bathroom, but at least i'll get to see mom and dad for more than 2 seconds. everyone is over at sis's getting painting done and i went over there as soon as i woke up but i'm starving so i came back over to get a drink and decided to go ahead and make some mac and cheese and take and eat. yum! i had that for lunch at work yesterday. i geuss i better check on my water to see if it's boiling yet. ciao!
real quick
hey all! well just wanted to post a few random things on here. finnally my teething has stopped! at least for awhile. i'll deal with it when it starts back up again. i'm in the process of getting my phone and digital camera hooked up to my computer so i can post the pics, i have 2 videos of my tat being done that i'll try to put on here to, some people might be interested to see them. it's healed up nicely finnally no more infection! yay! and hey it's friday! yaya!! i'm sick of work and glad it's about to be the weekend, i get good friday off so i'm happy about that, i'll get enough sleep so i can make it to the sunrise service at church, which is going great by the way! everyone is so involved in things it's good! i wis i could do some of this stuff but it's to hard with my schedule. if your wondering why i haven't updated my weight loss tickeer it's cus i haven't checked the scales in a long time. i'll do that sometime soon. i really would love to go to the ladies advace this year but my vacation days just don't start in time, they don't start until april 1st. annoying! then i'll have 6 days 4 of which i have to take in july but i don't know what to do with the other 2. probly nothing. theres a guy at work on the verge of getting fired for missing 4 and a half days well this other chick she misses work at least once a week but she is somehow excused for it, and she hasn't even been there 90 days, ok never mind idon't even wanna go into that. i'm gonna go to bed cus i've already been shorted on my sleep cus i worked till 330 todya. ugh! overtime every night! good money but it stinks to. haha well night!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
well, it's been a while since i posted anything on here so here goes. i've been picking up this chick veronica on my way to work and stuff, she works on 1009 she took my spot on there and i took back mine on 1042. she lives in scottsburg just turn left at the cvs go like 2 miles and boom it's there so it's not outta my way anymore than going to get gas. she's a really sweet chick, she's a widower with 3 grls, her grls are so cute!! she's been having issues with her truck and so she hasn't been able to drive, we were doing it to where she drove one week i drove another but she had to get something done to the axle? not real sure, i kinda tuned out when she told me. haha. but i enjoy having someone to talk to on the way to work, she's had a really tough life and she all the time tells me that she is grateful for me, and i just take her to and from work. i mean it's not outta the way. tonight on the way home she started crying i was like whats wrong and she just said that she really appreciates me and she's not used to people helping her out without expecting anything. because i know she struggles with 3 grls and she has a house and stuff it's tough so i try to show her that there are people out there who are nice, and we talk about thebible and stuff and i tell her you know i'm a christian and thats is why there is such a huge difference between me and everyone else and she sees that. but she did give me a lil gas money and i hated to take it but she wouldn't take no for an answer. i'm the type of person who wants to do something for somebody because i can and i hate taking money or whatever from people. she's offered me gas money before but i wouldn't take it but she practically shoved it down my throat cus i know she feels bad and wants to help out. but i feel like i am rewarded everyday not with money or anything for helping her out, cus i set an example for her and her grls they don't understand why i'm so nice, and really i'm just trying to explain that for me it's not te money and yes i do need it but i'm not standing there with my hand out, cus i know when she has it she'll give it to me. like the 2nd week of the month is when she get's ike her husbands check or whatever andshe said she's going to give me money then, i know what it's like to not have money, and i'm blssed and i just wanna help others out, but sometimes people do take advantage but if i feel like she is then i'll stop picking her up. anyways i like helping people out. you know i don't understand theres a grl i work with she's real cool and stuff shes kinda like i don't know how to say it motherly at work towards me, making sure i have lunch or drink or that i have my coat but she has trouble trusting me because i don't get into fiights and stuff with my coworkers or with my head people, and i don't get into trouble. i think she might be jealous, cus she is one day nice or whatever and caring towards me and than sometimes she just keeps to herself and whatever, it's hard to explain, she's had it rough to she had an abusive husband and they divoced and so i think she just has a hard time trusting people, but i get tired of tiptoeing around her and making sure i don't hurt her felings. she's one of those people who can be a great friend or ur worst enemy. and like she'll get into a fight with another coworker or whatever i'll get pulled aside with tony asking me what all was said and what happened and i get tired of being put in the middle of stuff just cus i happen to be standing there doing my job. what do i do in that situation? i don't wanna get in the middle but i don't wanna make tony mad... but really he should just go to her, she'll tell him what happened. she's not shy, see she has the attitude of well i was looking for a job when i found this one... type of thing doens't really care. bt i think she just has a lot of fear and anger and mistrust in her. i try to fix other peoples problems and my therapist tells me i can't but i still try and i try to not make waves or have drama but it's so tiring. like tony whn i had a bunch of bad parts and he gave me a verbal for it he stood there in front of everyone yelling at me, and ya;ll know me i mean it took everything i had not to break down bawling, but i don't wanna be seen as weak so i didn't, well i did't yell back at him either and it made him even madder, he's used to people yelling back at him and talking back and i don't do that, like when he gave me my warning he asked if i had antything to add or whatever and i said no and he's like nothing? i said there is nothing i can say it was my fault and arguing and making excuses doesn't chage that i deserve my warning and i can guarantee it'll never happen again. and he was like oh ok he was shocked cus he's not used to that. see i wanna go in and do the best job i can do and that's it, i don't wanna argue and stuff. a lot of people there do though. just like if i have a problem i don't run to tony like others like say someone on our line isn't following standardized work, that's on them that is there choice to disobey and they'll get in trouble for it but some people feel the need to run to tony and tattle and that is stupid he doesn't have time to babysit our line which he ends up doing. a couple people they'll blame anyone else they can so they don't get in trouble, or they'll say well i saw her do this and this to so it wasn't just me, like taking others down with them. i mean is' just such stupid stuff! big babys! were all adults let's act like it, that's my attitude but somany people on that line don't act like it they act like big babys. but whaever i need to go to bed now. ciao!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
well we all know i'm a clumsy fall all the time kinda gal. well i had been soo lucky to not fall at work especially considering how slick the floor is. well tonight lady luck wasn't by my side.. yeah thats right i fell flat on my booty tonight. i was putting a part on the qc rack for alicia to check and it fell almost behind it so i had to go around and move the trash can to get it. well i was squatted down and i had ahold of it and i musta leaned to far back or something cus bam i fell on my butt and couldn't get up haha! so i roll onto my leg and get up well as i'm getting up i look around and there is a huge group of guys standing there staring at me and same for christian one of the guys on my line, i was sooo embarassed!!!!! we all had a good laugh but i was so embarrased. well i have a headache from sittin ghere trying to figure out my bills and i have to get up early so mom can dig a splinter outta my thumb. welp ciao!
Monday, February 25, 2008
well this last week i have been doing some major teething, it's taking forever for these 2 wisdom teeth to come in i really feel sorry for babies now, i went to walmart to buy a teether but didn't get my cingular rebate card to work so i couldn't get it. well moms coming home tommmorow i'm glad! we all went to ponderossa with george and another family yesterday it was a lot f fun, well i thought that dad was the one that didn't wanna go but acctually6 it was amanda and chris. so my mistake mom! well i g2g i have therapy thank goodness!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
well, i'm missin mom, and it's been a dreadful week so glad its over. but i just woke up at 1 so i wasted half my day, shay called and invited me to go eat diner at their house but i declined because i have a lot to do and we are going to ponderosa with them tommorow after church so i won't have time to do it then. george invited us since mom is gone i geuss they think we don't eat when moms not here haha! dad didn't want to go but i told him that we needed to since they are always wanting us to go to eat with them after church sunday nights. well i have a splinter in my thumb that i can't get out a metal one. i got home and was just watching tv trying to unwind so i could go to sleep and i figured that i should go ahead and take a shower, well it's 4 am ok, and so i get in the shower and i was soo dizzy and stuff before i took my shower and so i thought the shower might help i almost passed out i had to sit down in the shower i know it was just plain exhaustion, cus i didn't even dry off i just went straight to bed and i'm dripping wet ok haha, but i was asleep 5 mins after my head hit the pillow and that never happens to me. well i need to quit procrastinating and get busy.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
well, i'm goin to work today and there is sposed to be a ton of ice... it's already sleeting but i dunno.... the chick that rides with me isn't going to go. so they are going to question me.. but whatever. i had a horrid night at work last night we didn't get off till 4 we'll see who all calls in today. well i'm gonna go get dressed cus i'm gonna leave like at 2:45 so i have plenty of time to get to work. welp ciao!
Friday, February 15, 2008
well, not a whole lot has happened so far, i've tried to stay away from the ditches haha! but as it turns out i think i messed up the steering in my car dad's gonna drive it and look at it on saturday for me. my tat is still healing nice but it's also still infected, it's right now at the point that it looks like leather the top layer is starting to flake off and it's all wrinkled up haha like leather but that'll go away soon. it's normal.i'm starting to grow hair on it and i'm afraid to shave it. well i've slowly been taking control of my money moms been helping me out by balancing my checkbook but i've asked to try it out and i've been doing really well with it, no more bounced checks haha!! this has been a really long week and i'm glad it's almost over, i've been getting more and more overtime at work cus our production is up it was about 100-1450 and now it's up over 1500. but we can do it! the lastest i stay is like 3 or 3:15. but good money i'm missing the 12 hour day checks haha, but i'm sure it'll be picking back up. and i'll be complaining. went grocery shopping when i got off work and just got done checking my email and paying bills and stuff. i missed out on my whole weekend last weekend cus i was sick and slept the whole time, and i was puking and blah! so i'm looking forward to get some things done this weekend so i don't have to worry about it. well i'm gonna go heat up some chow adios!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
just a lil
well i am tired right now and just wanted to put a quick post up here. not a lot happenin, um monday night i ended up in a really huge ditch, i was on the interstate and hit a huge patch of ice and went into the ditch facing the opposite way. it wasn't a lil ditch either it was like the hill at the madison church but probly half the size like not as high up. but just as steep. God was watching out for me. i stood out in the cold for an hour before someone stopped to help me, my phone had full signal but wouldn't let me call or text out, but i called 911 and they sent a cop. the person that stopped to help me i work with, he didn't know it was me either he just stoped cus he's nice. i'm gonna make him some brownies here sometime. but i need to go to bed i need to get up at 10 so i can clean my room and car and do laundry and make the brownies. well ciao! oh yeah my tat is healing up but the area around it is infected.
Monday, February 11, 2008
sweetheart dinner
we went to the sweetheart dinner on saturday and it was really nice! they went all out for it. when you first walked into the church they had the seating closed off and so you entered the foyer and waited to be seated, it was cool. while you waited there was dim lights candles floating inthe baptistry music and a place for pictures. sis and chris went first then mom and dad and then it was kinda awkward so i asked if i could get my pic taken since i love myself haha so i got mine taken and it's a pretty good pic to. they are hacing a mother daughter banquet in may and i'm looking forward to it! well i'm waiting for my clothes to dry so i can leave for work, which i'd love to just stay home but i know that it would just put people ina bind and i can't do that. i'm gonna borrow some saran wrap from sis to put on my arm so i don't have to worry about it. well i gotta finish packing my just in case i have to stay in seymour bag. because according to wave 3 by the time i get off work hanover will have already got most of their snow/ice fall and jackson county will just be getting theres. so i better pack clothes just in case. well i gotta go now so ciao!
in pain
oww, thats how i woke up this morning although i coudln't get myself up really. my body aches and my tummy is so upset. but thats not the worst part my new tat is wats causing me the most pain and annoyance. it just plain hurts and it shouldn't still hurt i don't think. but it is bigger and she was rough but i dunno i'm gonna ask around today.well i g2g.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
uhh i'm tired right now.. and hungry... i was gonna clean my room but it'll have to wait till saturday. well i was gonna write a ton in here but i need to leave, so ciao!
Friday, February 1, 2008
well, i figured that while i'm waiting for my dinner to get done i'd post and update, i never did get to finish the last update cus of the keyboard. well that night at work the power went out, scary!! well they had backup generators and stuff and it came back on within 20 mins. but still even when we had to go in the tornado shelter that one time the lights didn't go out. it was odd. tonight everyone was all hyping up the bad weather but i didn't think it would get to bad and i was right. well last night (wednesday night) we had major problems on the line we were down for 4 hours. and so we pulled a 12 hour shift that night but we got production done. well tonight i had to do cables and since something always goes wrong when i do cables... well normally it's not my machine that breaks down but tonight it was. for the past 2 weeks we've had problems with the cable machine saying "motor over load" well they've had maintenace over but they didn't ever fix it. well it's continued to do that what happens is you'll have a part finish and then the machine shuts itself down and flashes and beeps "motor over load" well we were told to just reset the machine and turn it back on and go on when it happens, well tonight it just decided it wasn't gonna go on. we had 300 parts to do and then we would switch over to our last part and do 300 of those which the last ones don't get cables. well ok i did a part and well the whole night it shut down no joke probly 20 times. so we start the one parts and it shuts itself off and it wouldn't let me turn it back on or anything. so we called maintenace and we had to switch to our last parts, and do those. well turns out it was just a loose wire. how simple!!! well what normally takes us 2 hours to do we did in 1 hour and 15 mins. we did all 3oo parts in that time, i was kickin boooty!! see because of standardized work we have to follow it slows us down but i was just flying... and no bad parts either but i was sweating and hufing and bright red and sooooooo tired at the end of it. but we got out at 1:30. well my food is done so ciao!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
well i woke up early in order to clean the bathroom and i got done and so i'm kinda checking my email and updating this then i need to take a shower then i geuss i'll cook some homeade pizza for lunch/dinner/breakfast, whats been happenin... hmm i dunno let see at work, mindy came over to my line yesterday before we started working and she asked how things were and i explained a few things on my line that could be improved, and she started to go and check out my line but i was like no~ i don't wanna get in trouble. so she's gonna explain it to the guy thats doing our line making changes and stuff. i think the batteries are dying in the keyboard so g2g,
Friday, January 25, 2008
for your info
well for some reason a lot of people seem to think i'm missing something in my life or that i'm not happy, i just want to set the record straight, i'm not missing anything in my life AT THIS POINT and i'm very happy. mindy came to me today and said hey look theres a guy i work with that is single and i thought you two would be perfect (paraprhasing of course) i'm like uhh ok.... she continues on to say that he is 40!!!!!!!!!!! hello!!!!!!!!!!! i know she means well but come on. i just smiled and nodded my head thinking crazy!! then on monday betty tried to hook me up with her 22 year old nephew i smiled and said no thanks, she wasn't to happy about that but she got over it. beth tried to hook me up with a friend of hers who happens to be 36. what is wrong with people?!?!?! my life is not defined by having a man in my life. now that's not to say that as i get older i'll start to think about it, but i just wish people would stop trying to hook me up. i love my life i don't have any interests in getting married right now or anything, i just want to enjoy my freedom so to speak. meaning financial and not having to plan around another persons schedule and everything. well just thought i'd let everyone know that i am happy with my life and the path its going on, mom's helping me with my debt then i'm moving out and who knows what? i'd really like a child at some point but i realized that's way to hard with me working nights because it was a hassle just dealing with pip while the rents were gone amanda had to stay and help me! i mean come on!! haha. but i'm taking it one day at a time. and just being thankful for every breath!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
well it's been a good long while since i updated so i assume everyone is through with their withdrawl symptoms... lol. not much happenin, i went and bought some work sweats the other day and they just don't work out at work so i took the pink pair back and exchanged it for a pair of work jeans at cato (they are having a really good sale right now) in sweats i went down 4 pants sizes and in jeans i went down 3. my numbers aren't moving as fast but i'm still losing weight and i think i'm gaining some muscle. we did good last night at work we actually got done at 1:15 and had to stand around and clean for 15 mins.and i was on cables so that should show that i can hold my own on them things. hahaha. as far as anything else goes, i geuss everythings ok mom and dad are in canada and i'm missing them, see i have horrid time managment cus i should be cleaning up the house right now but i did the bathroom and am procrastinating on the others. haha well ciao! or adios amigos!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
well it's been a few days since i updated, i've really got to figure out a way to get some sleep on the weekends because like saturday i only got like 5 hours and boom i was up for the rest of the day until late that night and then sunday i could barely keep my eyes open so i tried to stay awake and ended up falling asleep so i missed night service there was going to be food there to . bummer. but i don't know how to get it together, well this is going to be a long week i think, yesterday we were all going so slow it was like we just couldn't get into gear we still got out kinda early we got off at 2:30 i dunno. we'll see how it goes tonight. welp better go.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
halfway there
well, i just stopped to take a break from cleaning i cleaned the bathroom and threw away a ton of clothes and just seperated my clean from my dirty clothes so i'm gonna get the vacuum and get the spider webs and stuff then i just have to pick a few things up and sweep and mop the floor.well i better get back to it. ciao!
Friday, January 11, 2008
got off early again
yep we got out in 8.25 hours, which is cool although i'll ve feeling it with the paycheck, our bonus is 1300 that's for a period of 6 months, so since i haven't been there for 6 months i won't get the whole thing it'll be prorated something like 600 dollars ish, i s what i think i'll get. hey i'll be happy with a 100! haha, we get it like the 13 or something next month, so glad! i'll probly put it in the bank for safe keeping, like open a seperate account with part of it and buy my fla plane ticket with the other, i get 6 days vacation this year, which 5 i have to take in july for shutdown but that's ok, i'l not sure what i'll do with the other day, but whatever! ok now i'm seriously thinking that everytime i do cables something is going to happen, well today was my day to do cables and whouldn't you know it someone didn't show up on the sub line so they pulled beth off mainline and gave us someone else, so i had to do cables and build my 2 least favorite things to do! haha, but oh well, tommorow i'll be back on brackets thank goodness. we have to deal with tony all day tommorow cus alicia is going to be off. he gets really annoying when she isn't there. i'm just glad i'm not doing cables then cus tony would drive me bonkers! he wouldn't stop telling me i was doing a great job today except he used a curse word but anyways he doesn't compliment anyone else so i geuss i'm doing good, i just smile and say thanks or well i'm just doing my best. and to think they didn't wanna hire me in the first place.... i just wanna go up to the guy who said he wanted me to have factory experience and say haha there! i'm not so bad after all!!! well that's all from me tonight i promise this weekend i will post those websites for who's running for prez i completly forgot about it but i'll do it this weekend, i think i wanna take myself out this weekend.... hmm where to.... any suggestions??
Thursday, January 10, 2008
you know it's been i think a year now since we found out that there really was an issue with me and not that i'm just a crazy kid, it's been a long hard road finding out what that something is, it's been over a year in trying to figure it out but mom decided we needed to know no matter how long it took or how much it cost, i'm very grateful to my parents for all their help with my add, i mean they took it like soldiers it's not the easiest thing to hear your child has any kind of problem wether it be autism add or anything like that. i have been doing a lot of thinking from when i first started my therapy and to where i'm at now, wow what a huge difference! i had this huge list and it's dwindling down now, it's very exciting. i'm realizing that i am way more indepent than i ever thoght possible, i mean i think that's what i was meant to be like there's matt who is too independent, than amanda who isn't very independent and then i think i'm more in the middle, but i used to not be independent at all, those of you who grew up with me, would definelently agree. like the whole church thing, i wanted to make my own decision and it was a tough one but i made the best decision for me, and it feels great i used to not be able to make my own decisions i would just suffer, but anyways i need to go to work now and so i geuss i'll talk to you all later ciao!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
well, i got to work today and we were short 2 people on our line so we borrowed 2 from another line, well one did the pins and the other switched doyle so doyle could do the rivet gun, so i was like oh great doyles going to stand there and tell me to hurry it up or something but he didn't thank goodness see i had to do cables today and it seems like almost everytime i have to do cables something bad happens, but it turned out to be a good night we got out earlier toinght than last week so that's good. my advisor was asking me how i was doing and i'm like good, he said well i hear your doing an awesome job over here, i thought that was cool, then see for our last part of the night we dont' put cables on them so i had to build and betty said that i'm way faster at it than beth is which is true cus when beth builds and i do brackets i always have to stand there and wait for parts, betty didn't have to and i mean we did it in like 1 hour and 15 mins, almost 400 parts. but anyways i'm looking forward to just doing my normal job tommorow hope fully! haha, well i had therapy on monday it went by quick cus i had a lot to talk about and i know i left stuff out. but i'm doing better, i have an appt for thursday, at like 3 i think i put it on my calendar so, well i need to go start laundry i have to go to the thrift shops to try to find some pants ugh not looking forward to it! well night!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
i dunno
i duinno this weather is crazy! i'm kinda like uhh cus i have to do cables today but it won't be to bad. i just n eed to remember to breathe i'm anxious to get it over with. haha, well i left the madison church on sunday, and i'm going to manvile now. i still have a lot of stuff at the church building that i wasn't able to grab on sunday cus everyone was rushing out the door, mike tried to take some of my stuff but earl stopped him thank goodness! well i need to go get ready for work.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
well i should've been in bed by now but i'm just so frustrated.
i've been trying to research all the canidates for president and i'm sad to say that the favorite of most people not me but a lot of people is obama, how can they accept this person who refuses to say the pledge? he supports gay and lesbians, he supposedly is a man of faith he wants to pull the army out of iraq, he is going to force the auto companies to make a car that uses 80% less gas which that's cool i'm all for the whole not depending on other countries for oil but in order to make these cars they are going to cost more i mean already we have hybrids but no one can afford them! i don't support him at all and it's just so frustrating to me how so many people do. imean in the speeches i've read he doesn't say anything about america like being american and stuff, he wants to close off the borders but give the illegals already here a way to obtain citizenship. will they have to pay taxes? who knows! and what he says about white people? he says that when he addresses white people he smiles and doesn't make any sudden movements, not litterally i mean but basically like he's tiptoeing around us, i'm all for a black president but he's not the right one i'm all for a woman president but hillary isn't the right one. really there is no perfect canidate but some are better than others i geuss, for me it's not a racial thing at all. God loves and created everyone, no matter the color or race or size 3 ft or 7 ft we all were created in his image amazing isn't it? but we have to all get out there and vote and trust in the Lord, He knows what's going on. hope i didn't make anyone mad with this but i just felt like expressing my thoughts and if i did upset anyone tell me and maybe the way i wrote it wasn't what i meant or something that happens to me a lot i'll say something or whatever and it's not what i mean at all.
i've been trying to research all the canidates for president and i'm sad to say that the favorite of most people not me but a lot of people is obama, how can they accept this person who refuses to say the pledge? he supports gay and lesbians, he supposedly is a man of faith he wants to pull the army out of iraq, he is going to force the auto companies to make a car that uses 80% less gas which that's cool i'm all for the whole not depending on other countries for oil but in order to make these cars they are going to cost more i mean already we have hybrids but no one can afford them! i don't support him at all and it's just so frustrating to me how so many people do. imean in the speeches i've read he doesn't say anything about america like being american and stuff, he wants to close off the borders but give the illegals already here a way to obtain citizenship. will they have to pay taxes? who knows! and what he says about white people? he says that when he addresses white people he smiles and doesn't make any sudden movements, not litterally i mean but basically like he's tiptoeing around us, i'm all for a black president but he's not the right one i'm all for a woman president but hillary isn't the right one. really there is no perfect canidate but some are better than others i geuss, for me it's not a racial thing at all. God loves and created everyone, no matter the color or race or size 3 ft or 7 ft we all were created in his image amazing isn't it? but we have to all get out there and vote and trust in the Lord, He knows what's going on. hope i didn't make anyone mad with this but i just felt like expressing my thoughts and if i did upset anyone tell me and maybe the way i wrote it wasn't what i meant or something that happens to me a lot i'll say something or whatever and it's not what i mean at all.
glad oh warning work talk.
well i'm so glad that the workweek is over even though it was only 3 days long haha! but we are all used to being back to work now and stuff so monday we'll be refreshed. i'm getting a lot faster and more confident in doing the cables. wednesday was rather rough i think just because it was the first day back and production has been really high since dayshift hasn't made production at all so far, and it's not fair see we have to stay until we get all our production done but dayshift doesnt they leave in 8 hours wether they are done or not! plus they leave us with half empty tubs of parts and we've had 50 + bad parts that they made. so we have been having to shut down to get it all sorted and stuff, but anyways wednesday was rough teusday was better. and tonight went good granted we kept haveing issues with day shift parts but we still got out in less then 10 hours. i was flying on them cables to no joke either. i just said to myself that i need to breath and only focus on my job, see i would get frustrated cus i'd look up and see a huge stack of parts waiting on me and everyone on the line would be stopped and staring at me. well that didn't happen at all tonight! woo!!! for our first part i kept up to speed and same with the second one now the third one which theres only 3 different parts that get cables outta the 8 that we do well it totals about 5 or 6 hundred, anyways i was going as fast as i could on the last ones but the others were just faster they of course don't have as many things to do on the parts that i do. well gennerally we get out between 160 and 190 parts an hour, well in 45 mins i had 185 parts done! so proud of myself and i only had 2 bad ones which is really good. and they were still usable they just took the cables off so i could redo it. sometimes the part won't sit right on the machine and if it's off the slightest bit it gets it to tight and that makes it a bad part. but i'm not trying to brag i was just so excited that i was able to do that. see what stinks is that the chick that switches off with me will be off for at least 3 months maternity leave and i'll have to do her job every day.... i wonder who they'll get to come over and help us. see i know almost all her jobs except one but i just switch with louis and it works out. supposedly they are going to make everyone learn how to do cables but i think everyone does except louis. they just aren't fast enough to do it but i'm being forced to get fast enough but i think they need to do that with the others. we were getting a ton of customer calls about this one e ring or something that was missing on parts and which that is louis and christian who takes care of that but anyways tony our advisor said that alicia our team leader needs to start checking them and marking them before putting them on the shelf which she should've been doing that anyways but um she is hardly ever around the line when u need her, she takes a ton of extra smoke breaks and is always in the breakroom when i need her i got so pilled up with parts today, see 1 box holds 8 parts and our rack can only hold 5 boxes ata time before they have to go to the shelf well i hollered and hollered and other people were hollering for alicia to come and take care of the boxes well betty ended up stacking the boxes so there was 10 boxes waitin to be checked well i had just finished the 11th box and was trying to figure out what to do when beth saw tony and hollered for him he was soo mad not at us but because he had to come over and he put the boxes on the floor he was slamming them down and i filled the rack back up again by the time alicia finnally showed up, i dunno if she got in trouble or not but it was ridiculous, i don't have time to stop and worry about having room for the parts because if i stop for even a minute i get backed up. haha trust me it's happened. the only good thing about me doing cables at the end of the night is that i don't have to clean up because by the time i get done it's all being taken care of. haha. well sorry to yack about work but that's all i have to say really haha. ciao!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
well i knew it was going to be bad going back to work after my time off but it stinks major! i was kinda in denial all day yesterday thinking that time was going to somehow go backwards and we'd start all over again. haha! we had a great time in NC. lots of stuff happened. i got sick i think it was our first night there i puked in a resteraunt, then the house had a lot of little steps not a flight of stairs but steps and it hurt my foot real bad.. but it's much much better today.and i only gained 2 pounds! cool! me,mom and sis are planning to go to fla this summer for a week or so and i've dicided on a amount i'd like to lose. i'll put a TRACKER on here. see in july we have shutdown and so i'll be off for 5 days then the weekend of course so mom and sis are going to drive down and stay there and i'll fly when i get off work i'll only stay for a week but mom and sis might stay 2 weeks or so. brr it's cold in here! i'm gonna get off here and put my laundry in the dryer and clean the bathroom. ciao!
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